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File Created: 06-Nov-2019 by Garry J. Payie (GJP)
Last Edit:  07-Nov-2019 by Garry J. Payie (GJP)

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Name BLUFFY 1, BOWSER, PRETIUM Mining Division Skeena
BCGS Map 104A021
Status Showing NTS Map 104A04W
Latitude 056º 12' 56'' UTM 09 (NAD 83)
Longitude 129º 58' 49'' Northing 6230493
Easting 439200
Commodities Silver, Lead, Zinc, Gold Deposit Types I05 : Polymetallic veins Ag-Pb-Zn+/-Au
Tectonic Belt Intermontane Terrane Stikine
Capsule Geology

The Bluffy 1 showing is underlain by Middle to Upper Jurassic undivided sedimentary rocks of the Hazelton Group.

Eight and five centimetre-wide quartz veins were identified that graded 333 grams per tonne silver (B066037) and 133 grams per tonne silver, 6.2 per cent lead and 3.49 per cent zinc (B065334), respectively (Assessment Report 37443). Gold was slightly anomalous. The 5 centimetre wide vein contained 10 to 15 per cent galena. Parts of the vein that contained wallrock clasts approached 20 centimetres in width. The host rock is dark grey to black silty mudstone with weak fracture controlled carbonate alteration and very fine grained disseminated pyrite.

In 2017, Pretium Exploration conducted grass roots prospecting, sampling and mapping on their extensive Bowser property, mostly southwest and south of Bowser Lake. They collected 2901 rock and 429 silt samples (Assessment Reports 37435, 37443). The Bluffy 1 showing resulted from this work.

See Betty (104A 008) for details of the Bowser Lake property history, including discussion of geophysical work prior to 2017 that pertains to many occurrences including Bluffy 1.

EMPR ASS RPT 36790, 36793, 37435, *37443
EMPR FIELDWORK 1983, pp. 149-164; 1984, pp. 316-341; 1985, pp. 217-224; 1986, pp. 81-102
EMPR OF 1987-22
GSC MAP 9-1957; 307A; 315A; 1418A
GSC P 89-1E, pp. 145-154
PR REL Pretium Resouces Inc., Dec.5, 2017; Dec.6, 2018; Jun.9, Sep.16 2019